Broken braces - they happen. But, are they an emergency? The short answer is no. Here we help you work out what exactly is an emergency so that you know what needs attention during the Alert Level 4 lockdown. Let’s begin.
Orthodontics has not been classified as an essential service, however if you are having a true dental emergency, there are dental clinics that have been designated to be able to help you. If you have any doubt, or need advice, do get in touch with us.
The Dental Council of New Zealand has defined exactly what urgent and emergency dental treatment is. During Alert Level 4, only these cases can be treated, and they are being treated by designated clinics that have access to the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), to protect staff and the public from COVID-19.
Dental emergencies include:
- severe injury to the face causing loss of a permanent tooth
- oral or facial swelling that is serious and worsening
- bleeding that cannot be stopped
- infection with raised temperature causing systemic illness
- severe lockjaw
- acute infections that are likely to exacerbate systemic medical conditions such as diabetes
Urgent care includes treatment for:
- Dental or soft-tissue infections that don’t have systemic issues
- Severe pain that can’t be controlled by pain-killers
- Broken teeth or exposed roots
- Adjustment of appliances where patient health is significantly impacted
As always, if you need any guidance, send us a photo/video and a description of your issue and we can guide you on how to get help. Stay safe and healthy.
Phone: (09) 391 6455
Text: (022) 194 49 45
Email: hello@milkorthodontics.co.nz