a smile for life
Stay for a while...we'll make you smile.

Getting braces as a teenager can be a big step, but it's one that can lead to a beautiful, confident smile for life. Here's what you and your teen can expect from the orthodontic journey....

A perfect smile should be universal and children and teenagers shouldn’t have to wait around for straight teeth until they grow up. The right orthodontist can work wonders for your kids’ dental health. But it’s only possible because some pa...

They say limited knowledge can be a dangerous thing and this rings especially true in orthodontics. Whether you're thinking about getting braces for the first time or returning for additional treatment, it's common to have certain assumptio...

Braces straighten your teeth, but retainers make them last. Milk Orthodontics tells you all about these dental devices—pros, cons, types, and more....

Here’s what will happen at your consultation with the orthodontist—from assessment to treatment plans. Read on with Milk Orthodontics....

What is a Treatment Coordinator? We have a dedicated treatment coordinator to guide you through every step of the journey....

We hope that you have been keeping safe and well during the time in Alert Level 4. As you are aware, we will be moving into Alert Level 3 on Tuesday the 28th of April. At this stage, we are awaiting guidance from the Dental Council of New Z...

Broken braces - they happen. But, are they an emergency? The short answer is no. Here we help you work out what exactly is an emergency so that you know what needs attention during the Alert Level 4 lockdown. Let’s begin....

As you are aware, New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 3, moving to Alert Level 4 effective midnight Wednesday 23 March, 2020. As directed by our Government and the Dental Council of New Zealand, we will be temporarily closed. We look to...

What does a banana have to do with straight teeth? Well, to make an accurate diagnosis and effectively treatment plan a case, we need to have X-rays done. This allows us to see your teeth and bones, determine where we position your...

Someone once said to me “Anyone can straighten teeth”. Perhaps there’s a little truth to that? Perhaps. But what if someone said to you, “Anyone can cut hair”. I have enough friends who have had bad hair experiences to know that’s not tr...

Seven. A lucky number to most. And if you’re as old as me, you’ll remember when George Costanza wanted to name his future child Seven. Why am I bringing up the number 7? The American Association of Orthodontist recommends that children a...

We throw a lot of information at you when you see us as a new patient. The intention isn’t to overwhelm you, instead it’s to ensure you have your full health information, and your right to be fully informed is exercised. We make sure that e...