A perfect smile should be universal and children and teenagers shouldn’t have to wait around for straight teeth until they grow up. The right orthodontist can work wonders for your kids’ dental health. But it’s only possible because some parents do the right thing by starting orthodontic treatment for their kids early. This gives them a much-needed head start on a journey that guides their teeth and jaws to develop properly.
The first orthodontic visit can seem intimidating to everyone, no matter how old they are. Some parents don’t know where and when to start and they remain hesitant for a long time. This can harm your child’s dental health, as orthodontics is about more than just your teeth’s aesthetics. So, the question remains – when should your child first see an orthodontist? Let’s find out as we break down the basics in this guide from Milk Orthodontics.
Why your child needs an orthodontist
Most parents take their kids to dentists but neglect orthodontic treatment, assuming both are the same. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth, as all orthodontists are dentists, but most dentists are not specialist orthodontists. Milk Orthodontics’ team of qualified orthodontists in Auckland has undergone several years of specialised clinical training.
Just like any other health issue, spotting a problem early and fixing it right away is the best way to ensure that it doesn’t bother you in the future. The same goes for your teeth and jaw as well. So, when you take your child to an orthodontist, you are ensuring that their adult life isn’t filled with complicated dental, orthodontic, or general health treatments. Even if your child has straight teeth, there are certain problems that only an orthodontist can identify.
The right age to visit an orthodontist
Your child’s orthodontic treatment journey can begin as early as age seven. Experts consider this to be the perfect time to deal with any potential issues associated with your child’s teeth. This is mainly because kids lose their baby teeth around the ages of five and six. After this, permanent teeth start to emerge, and that’s when their future smiles start to fall into place.
As a concerned parent, taking a 7 or 8-year-old kid to an orthodontist might seem too early at first. But when it comes to straightening teeth and avoiding other problems related to it, we always advise a ‘sooner rather than later’ approach. Since there are both baby teeth and adult teeth present, it gives the orthodontist a good indication of how the baby teeth are paving the way for the adult teeth to grow properly.
Conditions for early treatment
Orthodontic treatment for kids is not just about their age; it depends on the issues they might be facing. Some conditions, in particular, need to be looked at immediately by a specialist to ensure a fast and lasting solution. This includes problems like misaligned teeth, an irregular bite or even mouth breathing. Some common problems among children that call for early orthodontic treatment include:
Crossbite, which occurs when the upper and lower teeth don't line up correctly when the jaws are closed. Fixing this early prevents future bite problems and aligns your child's teeth for a perfect smile.
A narrow jaw, which needs to be expanded. Early intervention can improve your child’s facial bone structure and expand their jaw to avoid further complications.
Protruding front teeth, that increase the risk of being damaged easily. When your child’s front teeth stick out, they are more prone to trauma. To avoid this, early treatment is essential, and it makes them look better too.
Baby teeth, that won’t fall out on their own. Permanent teeth cannot grow until all baby teeth transition to make way for proper jaw development.
Missing teeth, which are crucial for supporting proper oral development. Some children may be missing teeth due to genetics or other factors. Detecting and addressing these issues early on sets the stage for a brighter smile.
Thumbsucking, which requires immediate intervention. Your kids’ teeth and jaws face the most damage from their thumbsucking habits. An orthodontist can sort this out and avoid issues with your child’s teeth alignment.
Orthodontic treatments for children
That's why Milk Orthodontics' clinic in Auckland is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for X-rays, computerised scans, and physical moulds of your child's teeth. With these tools, our specialists will come up with appropriate treatment plans that will set their teeth straight and perfect in the shortest possible time.
Treatment options for kids include traditional mini braces or retainers, which are applied to a few teeth to correct early problems, or plates and expanders, which can correct a narrow jaw or crossbite. Bear in mind that in the initial phase, from ages seven to ten, the treatment is fairly mild, so you have nothing to worry about. Only if the problem doesn’t get solved after early treatment will orthodontists start another phase of treatment for your kids in their teenage years.
The key takeaway from our expert advice is to take your child to an orthodontist at the age of seven, which is the ideal time to get started with treatment if your kid needs one. A thoughtful parent always takes the proactive first step of booking an appointment with an orthodontist for their child to keep their smile shining bright. After all, problems with their teeth or jaw rarely get solved on their own.
By opting for orthodontic treatment at the right time, you can help your kid smile better with more confidence, improve their facial development and solve any bite problems. All you have to do is take action and reach out to us at Milk Orthodontics to schedule your child’s first visit to an orthodontist. And it’s never too late to schedule a consultation for yourself as well, because orthodontic care is not limited by age.